

Trying to make sense of life and to learn living it happily.

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Memento Mori

art by ichigokonkon

“Memento Mori” is Latin for “remember of death”. We will not live on this earth forever. A sad truth, but one necessary to remember in order to savor the life.

A friend told me once that the time passes inevitably and at the same rate regardless of what we fill it with. One can be active, work, produce, create, achieve something, and a day will pass away. Or one can sit, gaze out of the window and do nothing for twelve hours, and the same day will inevitably pass away and vanish.  She meant it as a guide for choosing to live an active life. But this principle is even more important to remember for living a happy life: you can spend 12 hours being unhappy, and the day will pass, or you can choose to be happy, and the same day will pass.

As days pass one after another, so do our lives. Paraphrasing Ostrovskiy in “How The Steel Was Tempered”, our life is given to us once only. We better live it so that when we look back on it, we do not regret the years that went by while we were feeling angry, unsatisfied, stressed and depressed. To be happy is to feel content with the live already behind us, looking forward to the good things ahead of us, and being calm about its inevitable ending.
art by Raingarden

We better enjoy our life and be happy while it happens.

Memento Mori.

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