The purpose
of this blog to understand what true happiness is. To do that, we must first
look closely at what we mean when we think about happiness now. Some of the
concepts that make up the happiness idea are ingrained in us for a long time.
We believe in them, we cherish them, and we feel reluctant to think they may
not be exactly what we believe they are. One of such notions is parenting and
Parenthood and children are sacred topics in the discussion
of happiness.
Vast majority of us knows that children bring meaning and
happiness in our lives. Kids are our continuation, our legacies, our pride and
joy, the most important task of our lives.
As a mother, I have these feeling myself. But because we all
are brought up with the notions that children are the meaning of our lives and
bring us only joy, sometimes I feel guilty and inadequate when I do not feel
this way. And having discussed parenthood with many parents, I know a lot of
people feel the same way.
Kids make us happy, for sure. They give us purpose. They
give us love and admiration. They make us feel fulfilled. They are some of the
closest people to us. They brighten our days with their wonder, their smiles,
their achievements.
But they also make us miserable, angry, and frustrated. It
is a package deal.
New mothers may get postpartum blues or even a full blown
depression right after child birth, and it is only the beginning of the full
range of parenting emotions.
If we are honest with ourselves, we know that as the kids
grow up, they do not make us happy when they defy us, do not do as we say (even
though it is always for their own benefit!), disrespect us, forget to call when
they are older, never clean their rooms… the list goes on and on. Parents also feel
stressed about their children’s’ future and wellbeing.
Some kids are more difficult than others; some have
personality traits we do not like, some do not have personality traits that we would like, some have physical or mental disabilities
that challenge their parents’ level of happiness.
Sometimes, we feel that we are happy (or have to be happy) despite all that, or
maybe even because of all that trouble. We give our children so much time,
attention, blood, sweat and tears. It would be strange to devote all of that to
the rearing of our young if they didn't bring us some happiness, right?
Some research proofs that people with children live longer
than their childless counterparts. Some research proofs the exact opposite,
stating that all the worries that come with parenthood shorten our lifespan. Daniel
Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard University, states that when
couples have children, happiness levels plummet. Couples only recover their
blissful existence once their offspring have left the nest. Psychologists have
also found that couples with children are less satisfied with their marriage
than those without.
As parents, we may feel resentful reading those research
findings. From an evolutionary point of view we are programmed to procreate.
From cultural point of view we are programmed that our lives are not complete
if we do not have children. It does not make sense that having children makes
us unhappy.
It is undisputable that parenthood causes lots emotions in
all parents (both positive and negative). It seems that children have the power
of making us happy, but they do not necessarily do. If people do not have
children, their lives are not devoid of meaning and happiness (although it may
feel this way to some). And the fact that someone has children does not
automatically indicate that they are happy and their life is meaningful
(although it may feel this way to some).
Ultimately, our true happiness does not depend on such
important factor as children. It does not depend on any other outside
phenomena, such as money, success, friends, pets, or anything else (some more
major than others). True happiness depends on our attitude toward any outside
phenomena. Nothing can make us happy (or miserable) except ourselves, not even
our kids.
Marriage without children the key to bliss. By Kate Devlin.